
Stress and anxiety is the number one silent killer in the world today. There are literally millions of people that deal with stress on a regular basis. I have a history of dealing with anxiety myself, going all the way back to my childhood. I suffered my first panic attack about 10 years ago(2005) and was confined to my apartment because the fear of leaving was so much greater. Being diagnosed and suffering from various panic/social disorders, I was left with a decision to make. Either rise up and accept this challenge or succumb to it. Lucky for me, I decided to use it to my advantage. Before I began this journey, I had no idea that anxiety could actually affect my life the way it did. It happened! And I’m better for it. I know many of you are suffering from your own struggles. Don’t you want to believe that there is hope; that these terrible illnesses do not have to control your life. There are never any promises of a better tomorrow. But the promise is found within your willingness to accept this challenge as an opportunity to become the person you were meant to be. It’s tough! I know! You do not have to do it alone!

3 thoughts on “About

  1. This is so true! My daughter and myself have both suffered anxiety and panic attacks. So difficult. But treatable, and thankfully both of us are nearly panic free. Look forward to reading your posts!

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